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Understanding the Difference Between Menopause & Perimenopause

Can acupuncture help menopause symptoms?

Perimenopause and Menopause are often misunderstood. This guide is here to help you navigate the details of perimenopause and menopause, explaining the symptoms, differences and other facts about these transitions.

Remember, Menopause is a completely natural part of the aging process, however does bring with it significant changes to a womens life.

What is Perimenopause?

Perimenopause is the transitional phase leading up to menopause when a woman's body goes through hormonal fluctuations in gradually producing less oestrogen over time. This is a phase in life when the body is starting to prepare to reach the end of the menstrual cycle in a womens life.

This preparatory period brings about changes that lay the foundation for the next stage in a womens reproductive journey and is an essential and natural part of life. Perimenopause is the bodies way of directing the natural progression towards Menopause.

The average age for Perimenopause

The average age for Perimenopause usually starts in a woman's 40s but can also start as early as mid to late 30's. On average it lasts 4-6 years, but it can last from 1-10 years.

What is Menopause?

Menopause is when you have not had a menstrual period for at least 12 consecutive months, when the ovaries stop releasing eggs completely. It is marked by one day only.

What is the average age for Menopause?

In Australia the average age for Menopause occurs around 51 years but can vary for everyone.

Can Chinese Medicine help peimenopause symptoms?

Symptoms of Perimenopause & Menopause

Early Perimenopause symptoms could be:

  • Irregular periods

  • Mood swings and irritability

  • Sleep disturbances or insomnia

  • Brain fog

  • Breast tenderness

  • Bloating and weight gain

  • Increased PMS symptoms

  • Hormonal acne

When you start to move towards Menopause (marked by the moment in time when your period stops for a consecutive 12 months period) your symptoms might present differently:

  • More frequently skipped periods

  • Hot flushes and night sweats

  • Feelings of dryness including vaginal dryness

  • Lacking libido

  • Increased anxiety and depression

  • Difficulty concentrating and issues with memory and cognition

  • Joint and muscle aches

  • Thinning and dry hair

Remember every womens' perimenopause journey is unique to them and so are the symptoms that occur.

Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine for Perimenopause & Menopause

That's why Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture is wonderfully placed to address these Perimenopause symptoms through the journey to Menopause. A 2020 study found that acupuncture can significantly reduce and manage menopause symptoms. Women who received acupuncture reported a 60% reduction in hot flushes and improved sleep quality after just 5 weeks of treatment.*

In Chinese Medicine we treat the individual, not the condition and can guide you through this period addressing different symptoms that naturally arise throughout your menopause years.

Through specific Acupuncture points we aim to address your individual menopausal symptoms, tapping into various systems in the body including endocrine, digestive, immune and nervous systems, and moving stress through the body, aiming to lower cortisol levels.

Chinese Herbal medicine is customised to the Perimenopause symptoms you are experiencing at the time of visiting clinic and can be adjusted to suit the natural changes that occur.

And finally of course, diet and lifestyle changes are incredibly important throughout this period of time, particularly as they pertain to increased protein intake, strength training to build muscle mass and stress management techniques - all of which have a huge impact on the symptoms that women experience. Plus, of course, the Chinese Medicine dietary advice to support the individuals presentation in Perimenopause.

Bookings for Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine in Middle Park & Cheltenham, Melbourne.

For women experiencing extreme mood swings during Perimenopause I recommend Acupuncture + Cupping sessions (with the cupping aimed to support the Acupuncture by additionally providing support to slow down your Nervous System).

Reference: Lund, I., et al. (2020). “The effect of acupuncture on menopause-related symptoms: A randomised controlled trial.” BMJ Open.


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